Thanks to Landon & Steve
Thanks so much to Steve and Landon Harvey for adopting the Charlie McCarthy replica and Barnaby at last year's convention.
A visit to Vent Haven wouldn't be the same without seeing Charlie McCarthy. While the 'real' Charlie is at the Smithsonian, this replica is still a tourist favorite. Vent Haven's Charlie replica was made by Gizmo Labs from a resin cast. It has no mouth movement or mechanics of any kind. Charlie has been at Vent Haven since 1980.
The incredibly talented artist & figure maker Bill Nelson made Barnaby. Mr. Nelson donated this unused figure in 1989. Barnaby's pristine face is incredible when viewed up close. Famed photographer Matthew Rolston liked Barnaby's face so much that he put Barnaby on the cover of his amazing book, Talking Heads: The Vent Haven Portraits (2013)
Thanks again to Steven and Landon. As today's bonus feature, check out these two photos of Landon onstage during Junior Open Mic at ConVENTion 2017. The future of ventriloquism is in great hands!